A website is the main foundation of your digital ID. The importance of a website is only known by professionals, so be one!
The fame of social media made people believe that having an account is enough for a digital ID, but real facts are different! Having social media accounts is a step to take after the creation of the website, either ways it is like building windows before walls.
Today’s worlds are divided into two: Real world and Digital world
Most of us have an ID in the real world, but are unknown in the digital world!
Culturally speaking, it is still challenging for everybody to adopt this mindset, but technology is developing in a crazy speed that people will find themselves outdated and lost if they don’t understand the movement NOW!
NO ONE’S COMPANY cares about your vision, so it makes sure it is properly introduced into the digital world by respecting the steps to follow, and the creation of the website is definitely the very important first one.
A business on social media without a website is like a football game without a ball! Everything looks beautiful and colorful but the absence of the core makes it unplayable, in other words a business on social media without a website is considerate as amateur in the digital world, no matter how much traffic it has!
You must care about your digital ID as much as you care about your real world ID, NO ONE’S COMPANY knows how to work on a perfect reflection!